Victoria Quine

Practitioner from SHOW Circus Studio in Easthampton, Massachusetts, hanging by shoulders from a trapeze in a rock crevice over a body of water

Victoria Quine

Victoria (she/her) grew up as a competitive dancer and fell in love with the community and playfulness of circus in college. Since then, she has trained at the National Institute of Circus Arts in Australia and NECCA’s ProTrack program, where she studied static trapeze and partner acro. Victoria has completed numerous teacher trainings with Nimble Arts in aerials and acrobatics and has used that extensive knowledge as Youth Program Director of Wise Fool New Mexico, Head Aerial Coach at Acrosports in San Francisco, lead coach at Prescott Circus Theater, Trapeze Arts, Kinetic Arts Center, and the Youth Troupe Coordinator at NECCA. She has performed across the country in solo, duo, and trio aerials, partner acrobatics, juggling, and stilting, and enjoys teaching all of those things and more!

As a coach, Victoria shares her love of play and community with her youth and adult students. Her classes feature humor, encouragement, and celebration. She especially delights in act and show development. Victoria is also a registered dance/movement therapist and a couples & family therapist, and she values building trust and encouraging authenticity with her students and clients. When she’s not circusing, she can be found reading, gardening, swimming, and laughing at horrible puns.